The 4 Key Ingredients for Steady Web Traffic

jturner • Jul 28, 2020
Steady web traffic is a top priority for any website owner or affiliate marketer. If people don't visit your website at a steady rate, you can't make decisions that will help grow your business. To that end, here are the four key ingredients that you'll need to have if you want a strong, steady stream of web traffic.

1. Solid Content

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Perhaps the most important thing you need is solid content. No matter how someone gets to your site, when they arrive, it needs to be worth their while. Strong content is at the heart of any internet marketing strategy, so you'll want to spend a lot of time on it.

When developing content, keep your ideal visitor in mind. Focus on providing as much value as possible with each page of your website, so that visitors not only stick around but also are more likely to come back.

You should also mix up the types of content you provide. In-depth blog articles are great, but you can also create things like how-to videos, infographics, interviews, and more. People like to receive information in different ways, so by mixing up the type of content you provide, you can appeal to a wider audience.

2. Regular Posts

Next, it's not enough to post something great every once in a while. You need to make it a habit so that your audience can come to rely on you. You should have a content creation calendar for your website, one that spells out the type of content you will produce and when. The frequency of your posts doesn't matter as much as the fact that you have a schedule at all.

For example, you could release a comprehensive 5,000-word blog post on the first of every month, or you could release a new video interview every Thursday. As long as you produce a steady stream of content, you'll stay in the minds of your audience and they won't forget about you.

3. Diverse Traffic Sources

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Next, make sure you diversify your traffic sources. You can focus on getting traffic from search engines, but you shouldn't focus on this strategy so much that you exclude things like social media or paid advertising. There are a few reasons why you'll want to get traffic from several different sources.

First, it increases your total traffic. Imagine you are getting 1,000 visitors to your site each month and they all come from search engines. Now imagine that this is only a third of your traffic rather than all of it, with the remainder coming from social media sites and referrals. 

Next, traffic sources can waver. If Google makes a major algorithm change, it could significantly lower your traffic from search engines. By relying on multiple sources, you protect yourself against something negative happening to your one primary source.

If you find that you get an overwhelming majority of traffic from one source, spend some time exploring other options and develop strategies for marketing elsewhere.

4. An Excellent User Experience

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Finally, you need to provide an excellent user experience. It's much easier to bring back a viewer than it is to generate a new one. This can't happen, though, if you provide a bad experience on your website.

Focus on making your website easy to use and read. You may need to tweak your website's design, the navigation, or even something like the shopping cart feature. Also, consider holding a small focus group and get direct feedback from website users.

If you want steady traffic to your website, you should realize that this goal won't happen overnight. You need to have strong strategies in place and allow them to grow over time. But if you can do this, the effect will snowball, and soon you'll have that steady stream of traffic you've been looking for.

To find out more about how you can increase traffic to your website and keep it coming, you can contact Elitepayments today.

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